Talking about masturbation can be embarrassing, especially for women. However, it is essential to break the taboo, talk about it more openly, and above all to practice it regularly!


Many women tend to ignore the importance of practicing self-pleasure. This is due to the fact that female orgasm is still something of a mysterious nature, hard to reach and surrounded by a lot of misconceptions that make us all hush-hush about masturbating.

Perhaps, females have more difficulties to reach climax, when compared to their male counterpart. But just because something is difficult it doesn’t mean that you should give up on it! Reaching regularly the big O, has benefits that go beyond your sexual health. That’s why no matter your current situation, single or happily in a relationship, you should include solo practice in your daily routine.

Keep on reading to find out some of the benefits of masturbating…

1. It improves your mood and relieves stress

What happens to your body when reaching an orgasm is extremely complex and will deserve a whole new blog post to be properly described. However, in simple words, when reaching the big O, your heartbeat increases, and the muscles of your vagina, anus and uterus experience a rhythmical contraction and relaxation. At the same time, your brain, responsible for the secretion of specific hormones, releases a mix of chemicals that together will let you with that feeling of ‘release’ and physical pleasure. Oxytocin and Dopamine are the two main hormones responsible for all that good feeling you experience after having an orgasm. The former is the hormone capable to lower the level of stress, while Dopamine, famously known as the “happiness hormone”, will boost your mood. As the name suggests, in fact, Dopamine is in control of our mental and emotional responses, facilitating in this way our feeling of happiness. The mixture of these chemicals causes incredibly positive effects on your mental health, making in this way orgasming a really heathy practice.

2. It is good for your skin

Many studies have shown that having regular orgasms slows down the process of aging. This happens thanks to the increase of blood rate and the release of Serotonin also known as the hormone of well-being, which improves the circulation of blood and oxygenates the skin, improving its tone, elasticity and complexion.

3. Self-care

Remember that it all starts with you and you are the first responsible for your own happiness. Consider masturbating as a practice of self-love and self-gratification. Because after all, this is what it’s all about: giving yourself pleasure and making yourself happy. It is also a great way to get to know yourself better and start appreciating your anatomy. After all, your body should be your best friend and as such you should love to treat it well and give it the pleasure it deserves.

4. It improves your sex life

Practicing solo sex, is an excellent way to explore and discover your body and feel more confident with yourself. When you know your body, you will feel safer in bed and in control of your partner during sex. At the same time, having a good understanding of what you like, will allow you to communicate him what you like the most, maximising in this way your pleasure.

5. There are no side effects!

Unlike all pleasant things in life, masturbation has no side effects! Include it in your healthy habits, and you will see how positively it will affect your life.


Read also: The Power Of Being Emotionally Self-Sufficient